Sunday, August 15, 2010

The longest October in recorded history!!!

No Your eyes have not failed you! I actually added a post the the blog!!!

First things first!
Our Little Boy! Hudson Charles Millar
(its pretty bad when he's 7 months old and I'm finally making the announcement on the blog. Yeah Mother of the year... down the toilet!)
He was born on December 29th 2009 two and a half weeks early. (story and picts. later)

Wow! October? Was it really that long ago? Woops!! Guess this blogging thing is not for me...

So now that we all know it's almost October again I decided to show you all that we have moved on with our lives.

As you can imagine TONS has happened since my last post. Soo, instead of trying to start from there I will try and work backwards (no promises).

Here are a bunch of random summer pictures: