Monday, August 24, 2009

First Day of School!

Today was Bailey's first day of school!
I was a little worried about her as her "meet the teacher" was a complete disaster.
She had a "terrible stomach ache" that magically disappeared as soon as we got in the car to go home. She did nothing other than moan and whimper that her stomach hurt while hunched over the entire time we were there.
But today, a complete success!
I am so proud of her!
Just arriving at school

We had to wait a little while for her teacher
Mrs. Elsworth to open the classroom.

Morgan thought she was so big with her backpack like Bailey (thanks Grammi).

At this point she had already put her backpack on her hook and her lunch box on the shelf and was just sitting down to color at her desk. As soon as I was done taking this picture she looked at me and said "bye Mom" like you can go now. I knew at that point I needed to leave as she wanted me to go. So not what I expected! But I am glad! I almost cried but held it in.

After dropping Bailey off Morgan and I went to Target to get Bailey a "first day of school surprise."
Morgie was so excited to give it to her but she fell asleep on the 6 min drive to the school.
On the way home I asked Bailes how school went these were some of her responses,
  • It was the best day EVER!
  • I said I missed her and she responded "I didn't miss you at all!"
  • Mom- did you make any new friends? Bailey-just one. Mom- what's her name? Bailey-Mom it's a boy! Mom- What's his name? Bailey- I don't remember.
  • Recess was my most favorite part of school.
  • I couldn't open my granola bar at snack time so I have to eat it at home.
  • My new friend (the boy) opened my drink for me at lunch.
  • Mom- Did anyone tell you how cute you looked today in your new clothes? Bailey- that boy told me I was pretty 3 times! And he said he liked my glasses, I told him he was handsome. He also said he is going to draw me a picture tomorrow and I will draw him one.
  • My teacher is soo pretty!
  • I sat on the orange square at circle time.
  • I watched the Magic School Bus movie today.
  • I only had to go potty 1 time today.
  • I was so excited to see your green car when you picked me up.

It was such a long day! Morgan passed out!
She is almost standing while sleeping.

"Mom I have so much stuff to show you in my back pack"

First day of school picture.

"I was the first one done"

They have a calender that at the end of each day the teacher marks how each kid did. Bailey got a smiley face. We would expect no less!

When we got home Bailes was exhausted! She put in a movie and zoned out. Morgan soon joined her and shared tootsie pops. Life is good!

Bailey requested Spaghetti for her special "first day of school dinner"
As she went to bed tonight she said she didn't want to be at home she wanted to be at school!
As for me I am glad she is home and that the "first day of school________" is over. I am very tired!
Good Job Bailes we are so proud of you!

Friday, August 7, 2009

We love Fridays!

Friday Night Fun

After dinner every night we take the girls out in the yard to play.
When it's hot the little pool is the place to be.

Being 3 and 5 the girls find some rather funny things to entertain themselves.

They got the buckets out of the garage and filled them with water in the pool and sat in them making the water go shooting out. Then the funny part was watching them try and get their toosh out of the bucket.

"Mommy take our picture!"

After the water fun they moved to the bike.

Just a couple of random pictures

Thursday, August 6, 2009


It's a BOY!!!!!
Today Greg and I went and had a Sonogram done and found out we are having a baby boy!
(These pictures kinda suck but I hope you can get the idea)

- This picture is of his "man hood" as Morgan calls it.-

I am only 17 weeks so the tech. was not sure if she was going to be able to determine the sex of the baby. When we first started he was face down in the fetal position with his feet covering his crotch. He stayed in that position for almost the entire time. Right towards the end he decided to show us he in deed was a boy. The tech. said "oh yes definitely a boy! Yes, a boy for sure!" Lets just say, Greg was proud!

I had to leave the girls with a friend as this Dr's office doesn't allow kids.
When I went to pick them up Morgan came running down the stairs and Bailey took her time.
"What are you having" Mo said. I told them I was having a boy and Morgan started screaming and jumping up and down. Bailey said "oh I kinda wanted a sister" then noticed that everyone was excited so she too joined in the fun for a min. then went back to what she was playing with . Morgan on the other hand is still talking about it!
Everything checked out great. The baby is healthy and growing like he should!
We are thrilled to be having a boy!
Greg's first comment was "hey...I'll have someone to take fishing."
(Bailey LOVES to fish! I don't know what he's thinking.)