Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Texas Nights

I'll start off saying that we Graff's are not snake people. Most any bug or varmit are fine just not snakes!!!!!!

The other night Carly went out to feed the fish in the pond and came in freaking out because there was a snake in the pond.

When the boys went out to see and it was gone!

Christie peeked through the window and there it was.

We are a group of rather

boring people so to have

a snake in the pond was rather exciting.

Christie, Eric and I HATE snakes! But bored as we were thought we could use the entertainment!

Dad got the big net, Eric the shovel and the rest of us were on chairs or as far away as possiblewith still being able to see. Dad fished for a long time then realized all he was catching was fish and rotten leaves.

It was getting dark so Christie got the big spotlight to shine in the water. As soon as we were about to give up we saw the snake outside of the pond watching us.

He was a rather arrogant snake. He would show his head just enough for us to see

him but not to kill him.

Dad had a great idea to try and scare the snake out by squirting water at one side of where he was hiding under the lip of the pond.

Brave Carly stood up on the side of the pond and squirted water in the gap to try and get him out. No such luck!

Greg decided he was missing out on the

action and came out and made a snare

to try and ketch it. Once againno such luck.

At 10pm Dad went to bed and left us girls out to kill the snake (For some reason Dad has always used his daughters in all of his dangerous adventures). We were actually having a great time talking and laughing. Not much later Christie went to bed and Carly needed a snack.

As was outside all by my self waiting for a snake to poke his head out(not too sure what I was going to do if he did come out other than scream) I saw 2 snakes looking at me!!

I started yelling but no one heard. I shined the light in at Greg and he finally came out and tried
to snare them once again but lets just say he's a
better fisherman than a snake catcher.

At 11 pm we called it quits and went to bed.
No one has seen of either snake since!

1 comment:

  1. Heath~
    I loved your story. I was cracking up. Your blog background and header are adorable too! Love you,
